Sunday, July 11, 2010


1. Your presentation should be a prepared speech, so please write it down on a large business card. You may read from your business card if necessary. Business cards and pencils will be available at the event.

2. Submitted speeches may be on any topic that is a current issue in the media, community, and/or government. Live speeches at the event should be on one of the pre-selected topics for the evening, if it is not, if time permits, you may have your speech recorded in the green room at the event for future viewing online.

3. Your speech should not exceed 3 minutes. It should be brief, and is likely to get more attention at the event and views online if it is brief. This is due to the style of our event and online environment.

4. It is suggested that you deliver a charismatic speech in a “solution-oriented”, “non-partisan”, “issue-focused” manner. The style of your presentation should be in a way of a proposal/recommendation for a solution that can be acted upon legislatively or civically. Suggested format:
a. Make a fact-based statement on the issue and its background
b. Why is this issue important?
c. Who is being affected?
d. What is the proposed solution?
e. What is the expected outcome of that solution?

5. There will be no Q&A session; however, we encourage you to stick around at the completion of your speech for at least 10 minutes for 1-on-1 discussions and to respond to questions from attendees.

6. If you would like to deliver a live speech, please try and arrive as early as you possibly can.
Please note: This is an open forum and not all elected officials or general attendees who come to speak will be selected. Speakers who are not specially invited to speak but would like to, are added to a box of names and names are randomly selected. However, all who have prepared a speech can record their speech in the green room during the event and it will be provided to them via email and posted online.
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