Friday, July 16, 2010


After our event and discourse with elected officials, I am concerned and almost appalled by the lack of knowledge, experience and priority on the issue of Child Sex Trafficking.

Children 10-18 are being pimped and forced into prostitution. I have never been a feminist but truly believe that women are best suited to push the issue.

All children, no matter how damaged - impoverished, uneducated, victims of poor parenting, etc. ( the most vulnerable) deserve an opportunity to be a child.

Furthermore, children in most states are being treated as criminals and not victims when identified as prostitutes despite being under the control of an adult in most predicaments.

According to "Not For Sale Georgia" a non-profit advocacy group that works to eliminate Human Trafficking says that here in Goergia there are 492 Girls trafficked each month.

I am calling on the current Heads of Law Enforcemnt to attend the next Rhetoric! event to speak on this issue, along with lawmakers. I will keep you posted on the results of the invitations.

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